

Subscription list of
“Ecology and Life”
Environmental news, reviews and announcements (available only in Russia)












PROext: Top 1000 іассvлка 'ікологические новости, анонсv, обзорv'


Selected articles from “Ecology and Life”


1. P. B. Bridgewater, I. D. Cresswell and K. Olsson. The Murray-Darling river basin.  Understanding  the long-term effects of development of a major river system (in a project "Great Rivers of the world", і 2 - 2001)

2. Li Lukang. The Perspectives of the Lancangjiang River Basin (in a project "Great Rivers of the world", і 2 - 2001)

3. Irina Springuel. Great projects on the Nile Basin - a historical perspective (in a project "Great Rivers of the world", і 2 - 2001)

4. Time Presses. Memorandum of the European Association of Renewable Energy for the Establishment of an International Renewable Energy Agency - IRENA. (і 6 - 2001)





Rambler's Top100

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