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“Ecology and Life”
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The scientific-popular genre allows a free exchange of opinions and hypotheses confirmed by experience of life and practice. It will be useful for the most wide circle of practical ecologists, teachers and all those who are concerned about the future of the mankind and their own families, state of environment, economy and politics in this field in our country and all over the world, state of natural resources - like water and atmosphere, oil and gas, etc.
Particular attention is given to the ecological education, training and enlightenment. All sections of the journal - "Environment and Society", "Sustainable Development: Economy and Management", "Ecological Education and Training", "Global Problems", "Regions and Cities", "Health and Environment" - presents practical information for teachers in every issue. The last-mentioned section contains materials about child and adult health and ways to preserve it - interviews with leading medical men, thorough examination of complicated and doubtful problems in public health, unique reference data, practical recommendations. Businessmen will find exclusive news about innovations and inventions in the rubric "Agency of Ecoinnovations". There you can pick up information about enterprises that contribute in deeds to environmental protection and the latest developments that help to better life of the society as a whole, and every person as part of it.
"Ecology and Life" is a bi-monthly edition.
You can get subscribed to it in the editorial office or under serial catalogues.
"ROSPECHAT'" catalogue - index 71398
Combined catalogue - index 40500
Annual subscription in the editorial office (6 issues)- 45 $ - order by e-mail:
Subscription for the last six month of 2004 (delivery included) - 25 $.
Call us by tel.: (095) 319-92-33 or e-mail: and - we shall send you a bill.

The characteristics of journal: 80-88 pages, enamelled paper cover 200g/m2
Text - semi-enamelled paper, 80 g/m2 , colored illustrations

At a journal there is "a Library of a magazine Ecology and life".
You can subscribe for a magazine together with library or order the books from the list which there is here

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© АНО "Журнал "Экология и жизнь" . Авторские права защищены действующим российским и международным законодательством. Ссылка при перепечатке обязательна. E-mail:

Дизайн и программирование: Иванов Сергей. Поддержка и обновления: АНО "Журнал "Экология и жизнь"

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